Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I just finished watching “Yes man” starring Jim Carrey. Aside from being quite a funny movie, can you imagine going through life saying yes to everything? I imagine it would open a lot of opportunities, it could very well lead to something awful but who knows, it could just as well lead to a good thing. It would certainly make life more interesting, obliterating any trace of routine. Yet as interesting as it may sound, I sincerely doubt anyone would have the courage to attempt such a thing. I would certainly like to try it sometime at least for a day, though I would need a lot of people supporting me and not letting me quit, cause let’s be honest… it’s not an easy thing to do, and it would require guts, some sort of intoxication (alcoholic or otherwise), an open mind and a friend to stick with me throughout the day not letting me quit. Fuck it! I would do it! I would fucking do it! And it would be the funniest day ever. Even if things go wrong, I’m sure we’d have a laugh by the end of the day. But as a rule I won’t have to say yes to what my friend tells me as I’m sure he would take advantage and make me do stupid and embarrassing things.
One of these days…

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