Monday, August 22, 2011

Thoughts about Life.

            Many have asked themselves what is this meaning of life, why are we here, what’s the point of it all? Well, I gave it some serious thought and I, personally reached the following conclusion: There is none. There is no hidden truth, no divine purpose, it’s just life. You get born, you grow old, wither and die. I tell you this now to spare you of reading the rest of this idea of mine.

            Since the beginning of time, men tried giving a deeper meaning to life. Many found religion, gave them hope for a second chance in life. They refused the idea of life being just a simple act of nature, similar to a plant, an insect. They hoped for and wanted another life after death. Could you blame them? The idea of mortality still sends shivers down my spine. But the fact remains that nothing happens afterwards, no chance, no meaning, nothing. Most people find that idea hard to comprehend, the idea of nothingness. Can’t really put your finger on that, can you? The same thing happens when trying to picture in your head something being infinite. You can say it, but you can’t really imagine it. Let me ask you this: What’s the difference between you and… let’s say a bug …you have a soul? …are you sure? A bug is killed every minute of every hour, but no one seems to give a damn or even take it into consideration. Why are you different? Why would you or your actions matter? Think about it.

            Now comes the main subject I would like to write about. Think for a second what I just wrote is true. Out meaningless lives are just tiny specks in this whole universe. Just as I said, in a tiny fraction of a moment, looking at the bigger picture, we get born wither and die. Nothing happening afterwards, no consequence what-so-ever… Why do we live our lives the way we do? Why do we get sucked in this meaningless routine? Listening to our society that teaches us life should be the following: Study throughout your first third of your life and work throughout your last two thirds. The simple thought of that makes me angry and outraged. Sure, there is this tiny percentage of men that left their fingerprint on this earth, maybe their life mattered since they changed the course of history, and even them won’t really matter eventually. But what happens to the 99.99% rest of the population that make no difference and their actions make no consequence on this life? What if I go around on the street acting like a madman randomly hitting people in their faces? I might get beaten, maybe thrown in jail if I do something worse. But what difference will that really make? What difference will it make in the universe? What about after I die, will it really matter? Who will remember? Will I care after I’m dead? –Well, actually, no. As I said before, the bitter truth is that in the end, nothing we do really matter, and it probably never will.

              It’s just chaos. Guess i found Nihilism.

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