Sunday, September 25, 2011

Something to ponder...

 If you yell for 8years, 7months, and 6days, U will produce enough sound energy to heat 1 cup of coffee.(Hardly seems worth it) If you fart consistantly for 6years and 9months, enough gas would be produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb.(Now that's more like it!) The human heart pumps with enough pressure to squirt blood 30ft. (OMG) A pigs orgasm lasts for 30min. (OMFG!) A cockroach can live 9 days without its head before starving to death. (CREEPY-and I'm STILL not over the pig thing!)Banging your head against the wall uses 150 calories/hr. (Don't try this at home) A praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attatched to its body. The female initiates sex by RIPPING THE MALE'S HEAD OFF! (Honey...I'm home...what the...?) A flea can jump 350x its body length. That's equal to a human jumping the entire length of a football field. Catfish have over 27000 taste buds.(Why? What the hell could be THAT tasty at the muddy bottom of a river?) Lions sometimes mate over 50x a day. (I STILL can't believe that pig-quality over quantity?) Butterflies taste with their feet. The strongest muscle in the human body is the tounge. (Hmmmmm...) Right handed ppl live an average of 9yrs longer than left handed ppl. (If you're ambidextrious do you split the difference?) Elephants are the only animals that can't jump. (Thinking that's a good thing) Cat urine glows under black light. (How much did the government spend figuring THAT out?) An ostriches eye is bigger than its brain. (I know ppl like that) Starfish have no brain. (I know ppl like that also!) Polar bears are left handed. (If they switched they'd live a lot longer) Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex just for pleasure. (What about that pig? Do the dolphins know about that pig?) Now that I got u to smile at least once, its your turn to spread the joy. (And God bless that pig!) ♥

Thursday, September 8, 2011


                So I was thinking... This concept of not caring. Some people might call it apathy, but I'm not so sure. I personally think it's the next step in human evolution. I mean being ok with anything, just.. not giving a fuck. You know what I mean. Good things can come out of this even though I admit I'm not quite right there, I still care about a few things... a few people maybe. But everything is so fragile, it can shatter in a mare fraction of a second. I still believe that everything is irrelevant and meaningless yet human nature is hard to change, I guess conscience has a lot to do with it. I may be on the verge of insanity, constantly having these thoughts and accepting the fact that there is no point in anything and I’m thinking I should be depressed for feeling this way about things… but I’m not. I’m rather intrigued if anything. I’m not really sure how, but I believe it could unlock some great potential I’m not currently aware of. Who knows what this feeling, if I can call it that, can turn into. The only thing I can say is that I’ve never felt better, it’s that feeling you surely had at least once in your lifetime, when you feel like you know something no one else knows. A big secret that somehow makes you better than everyone else. Enlightened. It sounds crazy, I know, maybe even stupid. Judge all you want, it’s your nature to do so, but I’m telling you, once I fully understand this whole concept, I’ll be so high that nothing will ever bring me down. At the moment I’m merely taking a few steps. Baby steps, as they say. I’m in no hurry. The plan is to enjoy life the best I can.